Partnerships & Alliances
Creating a greener and more sustainable shipping industry requires collaboration. We collaborate with organizations that drive and support sustainable development initiatives to achieve this goal. By working together, we can share knowledge, expertise, and resources to make a positive impact on the environment, while promoting economic growth and social progress.

United Nations Global Compact
As a patron of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) we support the UN's 10 principles and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We are committed to conducting business in a safe, responsible and transparent manner, and we have incorporated this into how we work and behave.

At Höegh Autoliners, we are committed to upholding the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. We have integrated these principles into our everyday work and behaviour, making them a fundamental part of our organisational culture.

First Movers Coalition
Höegh Autoliners has joined the First Movers Coalition (FMC) to send a strong market demand signal for the emerging technologies essential for a net-zero transition. Höegh Autoliners has committed to running at least 5 % of our deep sea operations on either green ammonia or green methanol by 2030. Led by the World Economic Forum and the US Government, the First Movers Coalition targets hard-to-abate sectors including aluminium, aviation, chemicals, concrete, shipping, steel, and trucking, responsible for 30% of global emissions.

Global Maritime Forum
Getting to Zero Coalition
The Getting to Zero Coalition is a powerful alliance of more than 200 organizations (including 160 companies) within the maritime, energy, infrastructure and finance sectors, supported by key governments and IGOs. The Coalition is committed to getting commercially viable deep sea zero-emission vessels powered by zero-emission fuels into operation by 2030 towards full decarbonization by 2050 – maritime shipping’s moon-shot ambition.
All Aboard Alliance
The All Aboard Alliance brings together senior leaders from across the maritime industry, united by a collaborative drive towards increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in all organizations, at sea and onshore – in order for the maritime to become the sustainable, forward-looking and innovative industry we can all be proud of. The All Aboard Alliance is supported by Founding Knowledge Partners: Global Maritime Forum, Diversity Study Group, and Swiss Re.
Neptune Declaration
The Neptune Declaration, signed by more than 850 organizations, outlines the main actions that need to be taken to resolve the crew change crisis.

Maritime Cleantech
Maritime CleanTech represents one of the world’s most complete maritime commercial hubs. They use the Norwegian maritime expertise, built up over generations, as a springboard for developing energy-efficient and sustainable technologies in collaboration with its partners. The purpose of the cluster is to establish green and groundbreaking projects with global commercial potential.

Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (the Center) is an independent, not-for-profit research and development center established in 2020 with funding from the A.P. Møller Foundation. The Center works dedicated to accelerating the decarbonization of the global maritime industry. This complex challenge requires unprecedented collaboration across sectors, industries, and geographies. Working with their partners, governments, authorities, public sector bodies, scientists, and organizations across the global maritime industry, they aim to inform, de-risk decision-making, and spark real climate action.

Maritime Anti-Corruption Network
Höegh Autoliners is a member and co-founder of a shipping network called Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN). MACN is a global business network working towards its vision of a maritime industry free of corruption that enables fair trade to the benefit of society at large. By adopting the MACN Anti-Corruption Principles, communicating progress on implementation, sharing best practices, and creating awareness of industry challenges we are promoting good corporate practices for tackling bribes, facilitation payments and other forms of corruption.

Höegh Autoliners joins First Movers Coalition

Höegh Autoliners joins Maritime Cleantech to accelerate the move to zero